
Australia 101 Blog

Susan Wareham
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Critical Skills List

Wed, 14 Jan, 2009

News Photo - Critical Skills List

The Critical Skills List was released by the Department of Immigration & Citizenship on the 1st of January 2009. The purpose of the list is to help tackle the ever growing backlog of visa appliacations.

If your occupation is on this list, your application will be prioritised over applications with occupations that are not on the list. It is also speculated that this will effect all current and future visa appliacations.

This list has 3 new occupations:

  1. Production or Plant Engineer
  2. Secondary School Teacher
  3. Urban and Regional Planner.

Go to the Critical Skills List to see all the occupations that have been included.

Disclaimer: This information is to be treated as a guide only. As information of this nature changes regularly, it is best to check the website of the Department of Immigration & Citizenship for the latest updates.

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