457 Visa Review
Fri, 14 Nov, 2008
The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, today released the report of the Visa Subclass 457 Integrity Review conducted by industrial relations expert Barbara Deegan.
The report has been referred to the Skilled Migration Consultative Panel, which comprises representatives from business and industry groups, state governments and unions.
The panel will provide feedback and advice to Government on the report, which includes recommendations to:
- abolish the minimum salary level in favour of market rates of pay for all temporary visa holders on salaries less than $100 000
- develop an accreditation system or risk matrix to ensure rapid processing of low-risk visa applications so employers can meet skills needs quickly
- develop new lists setting out the skilled occupations for which temporary work visas can be granted
- limit visa holders to a stay of no longer than eight years in Australia (i.e. two 4-year visas or four 2-year visas) while providing a pathway to permanent residency for those who have the required language skills.
Senator Evans said Ms Deegan’s recommendations and the views of the consultative panel will inform the development of the Government’s reforms to the temporary skilled migration program as part of the 2009 Budget.
For more details read the Australian Minister for Immigration & Citizenship's Media Release.