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Strine: Australian
Slang, what you need
to know but are
afraid to ask...

22 pages full of must
know Australian
slang from 'aggro' to
'zack' and heaps in between.

Tips for Living In Australia

Migrant's guide to settling in.

New to Australia? This site provides helpful tips on:

  1. Buying a home
  2. Buying food/petrol
  3. Finding a doctor
  4. Making the most of the Australian Lifestyle
  5. Staying in touch with family
  6. How to handle an emergency back home
  7. Understanding the lingo
  8. Buying and setting up a business
  9. Remembering what is important
  10. Professional development & finding the job you really want
  11. Establishing social networks
  12. Cultural differences
  13. How to handle homesickness
Explore Australia 101...