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Strine: Australian
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22 pages full of must
know Australian
from 'aggro' to
'zack' and heaps in between.
ASCO Code | Occupation | Points | Assessing Authority |
Managers and Administrators |
1295-11 | Child care Co-ordinator [Child Care Centre Director, Child Care Centre Manager] | 50 | VETASSESS |
1212-11 | Company Secretary | 50 | VETASSESS |
1191-11 | Construction Project Manager [Building and Construction Manager] | 50 | VETASSESS |
1292-11 | Director of Nursing [Senior Nurse Manager] | 60 | ANCI |
1293-79 | Education Managers (not elsewhere classified) [Project Coordinator (Education), Registrar (University or TAFE) | 50 | VETASSESS |
1221-11 | Engineering Manager | 60 | IEA/AIM |
1299-17 | Environment, Parks and Land Care Manager | 50 | VETASSESS |
1211-11 | Finance Manager [Finance Director, Financial Controller, Chief Accountant, Credit Manager, Divisional Finance Manager, Treasurer (except Government)] | 60 | CPAA/ICAA/NIA |
1112-11 | General Manager [Chief Executive, Commissioner (Emergency Services), Director-General, Head of Armed Forces, Hospital Administrator, Managing Editor, Medical Superintendent, Secretary (Government Department), Trade Union Secretary] | 60 | AIM |
1213-11 | Human Resource Manager [Personnel and Employee Relations Manager, Occupational Health and Safety Manager, Organisation and Methods Manager, Training and Development Manager] | 60 | AIM |
1224-11 | Information Technology Manager [Computer Services Manager] | 60 | ACS |
1299-13 | Laboratory Manager | 50 | VETASSESS |
1292-13 | Medical Administrator [Medical Manager, Director of Medical Services, Medical Superintendent] | 50 | VETASSESS |
1291-11 | Policy And Planning Manager [Public Policy Manager, Corporate Planning Manager, Strategic Planning Manager, Policy Development Manager] | 50 | VETASSESS |
1222-11 | Production Manager (Manufacturing) [Plant Manager (Manufacturing), Works Manager (Manufacturing)] | 60 | AIM |
1222-13 | Production Manager (Mining) [Mine Manager, Mine Superintendent] | 60 | AIM |
1191-13 | Project Builder [Professional Builder] | 50 | VETASSESS |
1293-15 | Regional Education Manager [Schools Director] | 50 | VETASSESS |
1299-11 | Research and Development Manager | 50 | VETASSESS |
1231-11 | Sales And Marketing Manager [Advertising Manager, Market Research Manager] | 60 | AIM |
1299-19 | Sports Administrator | 50 | VETASSESS |
1223-11 | Supply And Distribution Manager | 60 | AIM |
1299-15 | Welfare Centre Manager [Welfare Project Manager] | 50 | VETASSESS |
Professionals |
ASCO Code | Life Sciences | Points | Assessing Authority |
2113-11 | Anatomist or Physiologist [Embryologist, Neuroanatomist, Sports Physiologist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2113-17 | Biochemist [Enzyme Chemist, Molecular Biologist, Protein Chemist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2113-13 | Botanist [Plant Morphologist, Plant Pathologist, Plant Physiologist, Plant Taxonomist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2113-79 | Life Scientists (not elsewhere classified) [Biophysicist, Cell Geneticist, Microbiologist (Non-Clinical), Parasitologist, Pharmacologist (Non-Clinical), Toxicologist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2113-19 | Marine Biologist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2115-11 | Medical Scientist [Medical Scientific Officer, Cytologist, Medical Physicist, Pharmacologist (Clinical Research)] | 60 | AIMS |
2113-15 | Zoologist [Entomologist, Mammologist, Ornithologist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
Natural and Physical Science |
2111-11 | Chemist [Analytical Chemist, Food Technologist, Industrial Chemist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2119-15 | Extractive Metallurgist [Hydrometallurgical Engineer, Pyrometallurgical Engineer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2112-11 | Geologist [Hydrogeologist, Marine Geologist, Palaeontologist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2112-13 | Geophysicist [Physical Oceanographer, Seismologist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2119-19 | Materials Scientist [Ceramics Scientist, Polymer Scientist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2119-13 | Meteorologist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2119-79 | Natural and Physical Science Professionals (not elsewhere classified) [Sports Scientist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2119-17 | Physical Metallurgist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2119-11 | Physicist [Astronomer, Cosmologist, Crystallographer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
Architects & surveyors |
2121-11 | Architect [Conservation Architect, Heritage Architect] | 60 | AACA |
none | Building Surveyor | 50 | VETASSESS |
2123-11 | Cartographer | 50 | VETASSESS |
2121-13 | Landscape Architect | 50 | VETASSESS |
2122-11 | Quantity Surveyor | 60 | AIQS |
2123-13 | Surveyor [Cadastral Surveyor, Geodetic Surveyor, Hydrographic Surveyor, Photogrammetric Surveyor, Geomatician, Geomatic Engineer] | 50 | ISA |
Engineering |
2129-11 | Engineer - Aeronautical Engineer [Aerospace Engineer, Avionics Systems Engineer] | 60 | IEA |
2129-13 | Engineer - Agricultural Engineer | 60 | IEA |
2129-15 | Engineer - Biomedical Engineer [Bioengineer, Clinical Engineer, Medical Engineer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2129-79 | Engineer - Building and Engineering Professionals (not elsewhere classified) | 60 | IEA |
2129-17 | Engineer - Chemical Engineer | 60 | IEA |
2124-11 | Engineer - Civil Engineer [Traffic Engineer, Hydrolics Engineer] | 60 | IEA |
2128-11 | Engineer - Civil Engineering Technologist | 60 | IEA |
2125-11 | Engineer - Electrical Engineer | 60 | IEA |
2128-15 | Engineer - Electrical or Electronics Engineering Technologist | 60 | IEA |
2125-13 | Engineer - Electronics Engineer [Mechatronics Engineer, Radio Engineer] | 60 | IEA |
2128-79 | Engineer - Engineering Technologists (not elsewhere classified) | 60 | IEA |
2129-19 | Engineer - Industrial Engineer | 60 | IEA |
2127-15 | Engineer - Materials Engineer | 60 | IEA |
2126-11 | Engineer - Mechanical Engineer [Airconditioning Engineer] | 60 | IEA |
2128-13 | Engineer - Mechanical Engineering Technologist | 60 | IEA |
2127-11 | Engineer - Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) | 60 | IEA |
2129-21 | Engineer - Naval Architect | 60 | IEA |
2127-13 | Engineer - Petroleum Engineer [Mud Engineer, Petrophysical Engineer] | 60 | IEA |
2126-13 | Engineer - Production or Plant Engineer | 60 | IEA |
Agricultural Professionals |
2114-21 | Agricultural adviser | 50 | VETASSESS |
2114-19 | Agricultural scientist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2114-11 | Environmental research scientist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2114-13 | Forester | 50 | VETASSESS |
2114-15 | Park ranger | 50 | VETASSESS |
2114-17 | Soil scientist | 50 | VETASSESS |
Accounting |
2213-11 | Accountant - Corporate Treasurer [Financial Risk Manager] | 60 | CPAA/ICAA/NIA |
2212-11 | Accountant - External Auditor | 60 | CPAA/ICAA/NIA |
2211-11 | Accountant [Financial Analyst, Insolvency Practitioner, Taxation Agent] | 60 | CPAA/ICAA/NIA |
2212-13 | Accountant- Internal Auditor [Audit Officer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
Marketing & Sales |
2221-17 | Advertising Specialist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2221-15 | Market Research Analyst | 50 | VETASSESS |
2221-13 | Marketing Specialist [Marketing Officer, Marketing Co-ordinator, Product Manager, Sales Promotion Officer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2222-11 | Sales Representative (Industrial Products) | 50 | VETASSESS |
2222-13 | Sales Representative (Information & Communication Products) | 50 | VETASSESS |
2222-15 | Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) | 50 | VETASSESS |
2221-11 | Public Relations Officer [Corporate Affairs Officer, Press Officer, Promotions Officer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2222-79 | Technical Sales Representatives (not elsewhere classified) | 50 | VETASSESS |
Information Technology |
2231-17 | Information Technology Officer - Applications and Analyst Programmer | 60 | ACS |
2231-21 | Information Technology Officer -Computer Systems Auditor [IT Security Manager] | 60 | ACS |
2231-79 | Information Technology Officer -Computing Professionals (not elsewhere classified) | 60 | ACS |
2231-15 | Information Technology Officer -Software Designer [Database Designer] | 60 | ACS |
2231-13 | Information Technology Officer -Systems Designer | 60 | ACS |
2213-11 | Information Technology Officer -Systems Manager [Database Administrator, Network Administrator] | 60 | ACS |
2231-19 | Information Technology Officer -Systems Programmer [Database Programmer] | 60 | ACS |
Human Resources |
2291-15 | Industrial Relations Officer [Industrial Advocate, Trade Union Official, Union Organiser] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2291-13 | Personnel Consultant | 50 | VETASSESS |
2291-11 | Personnel Officer | 50 | VETASSESS |
2291-17 | Training Officer | 50 | VETASSESS |
Business & Information |
2293-15 | Actuary | 50 | VETASSESS |
2299-15 | Archivist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2299-79 | Business and Information Professionals (not elsewhere classified) [Business Researcher, Liaison Officer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2299-11 | Health Information Manager [Medical Records Administrator, Casemix Co-ordinator, Health Data Administrator] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2299-19 | Intelligence Officer | 50 | VETASSESS |
2295-13 | Land economist [Property Economist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2292-11 | Librarian [Bibliographer, Cataloguer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2294-11 | Management Consultant | 50 | VETASSESS |
2293-11 | Mathematician | 50 | VETASSESS |
2294-13 | Organisation and Methods Analyst [Procedures Analyst] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2299-17 | Policy Analyst | 50 | VETASSESS |
2294-15 | Quality Assurance Manager | 50 | VETASSESS |
2299-13 | Records Manager | 50 | VETASSESS |
2293-13 | Statistician [Biometrician, Demographer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2295-11 | Valuer [Plant and Machinery Valuer, Property Valuer, Real Estate Valuer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
Health |
2394-13 | Acupuncturist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2399-11 | Audiologist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2387-11 | Chiropractor | 60 | SCORB |
2381-13 | Dental Specialist [Endodontist, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Oral Pathologist, Orthodontist, Paedodontist, Periodontist, Prosthodontist] | 60 | ADC |
2381-11 | Dentist [Dental Practitioner] | 60 | ADC |
2393-11 | Dietitian [Nutritionist] | 60 | DAA |
2394-11 | Naturopath | 50 | VETASSESS |
2326-11 | Nurse - Registered Developmental Disability Nurse [Registered Mental Retardation Nurse] | 60 | ANCI |
2325-11 | Nurse - Registered Mental Health Nurse [Psychiatric Nurse] | 60 | ANCI |
2324-11 | Nurse - Registered Midwife [Certified Midwife] | 60 | ANCI |
2323-11 | Nurse - Registered Nurse [Acute Care Nurse, Aged Care Nurse, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Community Nurse, Paediatrics Nurse, Remote/Rural Area Nurse] | 60 | ANCI |
2383-11 | Occupational Therapist | 60 | COTRBI |
2384-11 | Optometrist | 60 | OCANZ |
2399-13 | Orthoptist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2399-15 | Orthotist [Prosthetist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2387-13 | Osteopath | 60 | SCORB |
2382-11 | Pharmacist - Hospital Pharmacist | 60 | APEC |
2382-13 | Pharmacist - Industrial Pharmacist | 50 | VETASSESS |
2382-15 | Pharmacist - Retail Pharmacist [Community Pharmacist] | 60 | APEC |
2385-11 | Physiotherapist [Physical Therapist, Sports Physiotherapist] | 60 | ACOPRA |
2388-11 | Podiatrist | 60 | APC |
2391-11 | Radiographer - Medical Diagnostic Radiographer [Medical Imaging Technologist] | 60 | AIR |
2391-15 | Radiographer - Nuclear Medicine Technologist | 60 | ANZSNM |
2391-13 | Radiographer - Radiation Therapist | 60 | AIR |
2391-17 | Radiographer - Sonographer | 60 | AIR |
2386-11 | Speech Pathologist [Speech Therapist] | 60 | SPAA |
2392-11 | Veterinarian [Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Parasitologist, Veterinary Pathologist] | 60 | AVBCI |
Education |
2491-11 | Art Teacher (Private) | 50 | VETASSESS |
2491-15 | Dance Teacher (Private) [Ballet Teacher] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2491-17 | Drama Teacher (Private) [Elocution Teacher] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2491-13 | Music Teacher (Private) [Singing Teacher] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2493-11 | Teacher - Education Officer [Curriculum Advisory Teacher, Home-School Liaison Officer, Pre-School Adviser, School Inspector] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2411-11 | Teacher - Pre-Primary School Teacher [Kindergarten Teacher] | 60 | NOOSR |
2412-11 | Teacher - Primary School Teacher | 60 | NOOSR |
2413-11 | Teacher - Secondary School Teacher | 60 | NOOSR |
2422-11 | Teacher - Vocational Education Teacher (non trades) | 50 | VETASSESS |
2422-11 | Teacher - Vocational Education Teacher (trades) | 60 | TRA |
Counselling |
2513-17 | Careers Counsellor | 50 | VETASSESS |
2512-13 | Community Worker [Community Development Officer, Community Support Worker, Housing Officer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2513-79 | Counsellors (not elsewhere classified) [Grief Counsellor, Rape Crisis Counsellor, Trauma Counsellor] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2513-13 | Drug and Alcohol Counsellor | 50 | VETASSESS |
2513-15 | Family Counsellor [Family Court Counsellor] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2513-11 | Rehabilitation Counsellor | 50 | VETASSESS |
2511-11 | Social Worker | 60 | AASW |
2512-11 | Welfare Worker | 60 | AIWCW |
Social & Legal |
2522-11 | Economist [Economic Analyst, Agricultural Economist, Econometrician, Economic Forecaster, Macro-economist, Micro-economist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2529-11 | Historian | 50 | VETASSESS |
2529-13 | Interpreter | 60 | VETASSESS |
2521-11 | Legal Practitioner - Barrister [Queen's Counsel] | 60 | SLAA |
2521-13 | Legal Practitioner - Solicitor | 60 | SLAA |
2514-11 | Psychologist - Clinical Psychologist [Clinical Neuropsychologist, Forensic Psychologist, Health Psychologist] | 60 | APS |
2514-13 | Psychologist - Educational Psychologist | 60 | APS |
2514-15 | Psychologist - Organisational Psychologist [Industrial Psychologist, Occupational Psychologist] | 60 | APS |
2514-79 | Psychologist - Psychologists (not elsewhere calssified) [Sport Psychologist] | 60 | APS |
2529-79 | Social Professionals (not elsewhere classified) [Anthropologist, Archaeologist, Criminologist, Linguist, Political Scientist, Prehistorian, Sociologist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2529-15 | Translator | 60 | NAATI |
2523-11 | Urban and Regional Planner [Land Planner, Traffic and Transport Planner, Town Planner] | 50 | VETASSESS |
Design & Illustration |
2533-11 | Fashion Designer | 50 | VETASSESS |
2533-13 | Graphic Designer [Commercial Artist, Graphic Artist, Calligrapher, Display Artist, Exhibition Designer, Film and Video Graphics Designer, Publication Designer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2533-19 | Illustrator [Animator, Cartoonist] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2533-15 | Industrial Designer [Product Designer] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2533-17 | Interior Designer | 50 | VETASSESS |
Media |
2534-19 | Copywriter | 50 | VETASSESS |
2534-11 | Editor [Associate Editor, Features Editor, News Editor, Pictures Editor] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2534-79 | Journalists and Related Professionals (Note elsewhere classified) [Critic, Editorial Assistant] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2534-13 | Print Journalist [Columnist, Feature Writer, Leader Writer, Newspaper Reporter] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2534-17 | Radio Journalist [Radio Reporter] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2534-21 | Technical Writer | 50 | VETASSESS |
2534-15 | Television Journalist [Television Reporter] | 50 | VETASSESS |
Aviation & Nautical Professionals |
2541-11 | Pilot - Aircraft Pilot [Helicopter Pilot] | 60 | CASA |
2542-15 | Seafarer - Ship's Engineer [Marine Engineer] | 40 | AMSA |
2542-11 | Seafarer - Ship's Master [Ship's Captain] | 40 | AMSA |
2542-19 | Seafarer - Ship's Officer [Deck Officer, Ship's Navigating Officer] | 40 | AMSA |
2542-17 | Seafarer - Ship's Surveyor [Marine Engineer Surveyor] | 40 | AMSA |
Other Professionals |
2549-11 | Conservator [Art Conservator] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2549-13 | Electorate Officer | 50 | VETASSESS |
2543-13 | Environmental Health Officer [Health Surveyor] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2542-13 | Master Fisher | 40 | VETASSESS |
2549-21 | Museum or Gallery Curator | 50 | VETASSESS |
2543-11 | Occupational Health and Safety Officer | 50 | VETASSESS |
2549-17 | Oenologist [Winemaker] | 50 | VETASSESS |
2549-15 | Patents Examiner | 50 | VETASSESS |
2549-19 | Recreation Officer | 50 | VETASSESS |
Associate Professionals |
3112-11 | Chemistry Technical Officer | 40 | VETASSESS |
3111-11 | Medical Laboratory Technical Officer | 40 | VETASSESS |
Building, Engineering & Mining |
3121-13 | Architectural Associate [Architectural Draftsperson, Building Drafting Officer] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3129-11 | Biomedical Engineering Associate | 40 | VETASSESS |
3129-79 | Building and Engineering Associate Professionals (not elsewhere classified) [Aircraft Detail Draftsperson, Aircraft Systems Technician (Air Force), Airframe Technical Officer, Avionics Systems Technician (Air Force), Mining Detail Draftsperson, Shipbuilding Draftsperson] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3121-11 | Building Associate [Building Construction Supervisor, Building Estimator, Clerk of Works] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3121-17 | Building Inspector [Electrical Installation Inspector] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3122-11 | Civil Engineering Associate [Civil Engineering Design Draftsperson, Road Design Draftsperson, Sewage Reticulation Drafting Officer, Structural Engineering Drafting Officer] | 40 | IEA |
3122-13 | Civil Engineering Technician [Civil Engineering Assistant] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3123-11 | Electrical Engineering Associate [Electrical Engineering Design Draftsperson, Electrical Engineering Drafting Officer, Relays Draftsperson, Substation Design Draftsperson] | 40 | IEA |
3123-13 | Electrical Engineering Technician [Electrical Engineering Detail Draftsperson, Electrical Instrument Technician] | 40 | TRA |
3124-11 | Electronic Engineering Associate [Aircraft Electronics Technical Officer, Communications and Data Systems Drafting Officer, Communications Engineering Technical Officer, Computer-Numeric Control Technical Officer, Control Systems Drafting Officer, Digital Controls Technical Officer, Flight Surveyor] | 40 | IEA |
3124-13 | Electronic Engineering Technician [Communications Engineering Technician, Electronics Detail Draftsperson, Printed Circuit Board Designer, Process Control Technician, Telemetry Technician] | 40 | TRA |
3125-11 | Mechanical Engineering Associate [Airconditioning Drafting Officer, Heating and Ventilating Technical Officer, Tool Design Draftsperson, Tool Designer] | 40 | IEA |
3125-13 | Mechanical Engineering Technician [Boiler Testing Technician, Hydraulic Controls Technician, Pipe Testing Technician] | 40 | TRA |
3129-13 | Metallurgical and Materials Technician [Dye Penetrant Testing Technician, Heat Treatment Technician, Magnetic Testing Technician, Non-Destructive Testing Technician, Pressure Testing Technician, Ultrasound Technician] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3129-15 | Mine Deputy | 40 | VETASSESS |
3121-21 | Plumbing Engineering Associate [Sewage, Water and Fire Services Associate] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3121-19 | Plumbing Inspector [Drainage Inspector, Gas Plumbing Inspector, Sanitary Plumbing and Water Supply Inspector] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3121-15 | Surveying and Cartographic Associate [Surveying Technologist, Aerial Survey Technician, Engineering Survey Drafting Technician, Photogrammetrist, Topographic Drafting Officer] | 40 | VETASSESS |
Financial Services & Real Estate |
3211-11 | Branch Accountant (Financial Institution) [Bank Accountant] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3212-17 | Commodities Trader [Grain Buyer, Livestock Trader, Wool Broker, Mineral Broker] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3212-79 | Financial Dealers and Brokers (not elsewhere classified) [Corporate Finance Officer, Finance Broker, Finance Officer, Investment Broker, Investment Dealer] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3211-13 | Financial Institution Branch Manager [Bank Manager, Building Society Manager, Credit Union Manager] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3213-11 | Financial Investment Adviser [Financial Planning Adviser] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3212-15 | Financial Market Dealer [Derivatives Dealer, Fixed Interest Dealer, Foreign Exchange Dealer] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3212-13 | Futures Trader | 40 | VETASSESS |
3212-19 | Insurance Broker | 40 | VETASSESS |
3291-11 | Office Manager | 40 | VETASSESS |
3292-11 | Project or Program Administrator [Project Co-ordinator] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3293-13 | Property Manager [Building Manager] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3293-11 | Real Estate Agency Manager | 40 | VETASSESS |
3293-15 | Real Estate Salesperson [Real Estate Sub-Agent] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3212-11 | Stockbroking Dealer [Stockbroker, Trading Floor Operator (Stock Exchange), [Securities Dealer] | 40 | VETASSESS |
Computing / IT |
3294-11 | Computing Support Technician [Help Desk Technician, Network Support Technician] | 40 | TRA |
Food preparation |
3322-11 | Chef [Chef de Partie, Commis Chef, Demi Chef, Second Chef, Sous Chef] | 60 | TRA |
3322-01 | Chef - Head Chef [Executive Chef] | 60 | TRA |
Also see Food preperation in the Trade persons and related workers section below | |||
Social Services |
3421-17 | Disabilities Services Officer | 40 | VETASSESS |
3421-19 | Family Support Worker | 40 | VETASSESS |
3421-11 | Parole or Probation Officer | 40 | VETASSESS |
3421-15 | Residential Care Officer | 40 | VETASSESS |
3421-13 | Youth Worker [Juvenile Justice Officer, Youth Accommodation Support Worker] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3493-11 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health worker | 40 | VETASSESS |
3491-11 | Ambulance Officer | 40 | VETASSESS |
3492-13 | Dental Hygienist | 40 | VETASSESS |
3492-15 | Dental Technician [Dental Prosthetist, Orthodontic Technician] | 60 | TRA |
3492-11 | Dental Therapist | 40 | VETASSESS |
3491-13 | Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic | 40 | VETASSESS |
3494-11 | Massage Therapist [Chinese (Tui-Na) Masseur, Remedial Masseur, Shiatsu Therapist, Sports Medicine Masseur] | 40 | VETASSESS |
Hospitality and Accommodation |
3323-11 | Hotel or Motel Manager (Degree level) [Hotelier, Publican, Accommodation Manager, Functions Manager, Resort Manager] | 50 | VETASSESS |
3323-11 | Hotel or Motel Manager (Diploma level) [as above] | 40 | VETASSESS |
Other |
3999-11 | Interior Decorator | 40 | VETASSESS |
3997-11 | Library Technician | 40 | VETASSESS |
3999-13 | Museum or Art Gallery Technician [Taxidermist] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3991-11 | Primary Products Inspector [ Produce Inspector, Dairy Quality Assurance Officer, Fish Inspector, Fruit and Vegetable Inspector, Meat Inspector, Quarantine Inspector] | 40 | VETASSESS |
3992-11 | Safety Inspector [Boilers and Pressure Vessels Inspector, Gas Examiner, Lifts and Cranes Inspector, Mines Inspector] | 40 | VETASSESS |
Trades Persons and related workers |
ASCO Code | Metalworking, Mechanical & Precision trades | Points | Assessing Authority |
4123-11 | Blacksmith [Hammer Smith, Spring Maker, Tool Smith] | 60 | TRA |
4115-21 | Engraver | 60 | TRA |
4123-13 | Farrier | 60 | TRA |
4112-11 | Fitter [Diesel Fitter-Mechanic, Fitter and Turner, Fitter-Mechanic, Fitter-Machinist, Maintenance Fitter, Mechanic (Diesel and Heavy Earthmoving Equipment), Plant Mechanic] | 60 | TRA |
4121-11 | General Fabrication Engineering Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4115-19 | Gunsmith [Armourer] | 60 | TRA |
4112-15 | Locksmith [Safemaker] | 60 | TRA |
4125-11 | Metal Casting Tradesperson [Coremaker, Metal Moulder] | 60 | TRA |
4122-11 | Metal Fabricator [Boilermaker, Boilermaker-Welder, Brass Finisher, Metal Fabricator-Welder, Structural Steel Tradesperson, Template Maker] | 60 | TRA |
4112-13 | Metal Machinist (First Class) [Aircraft Machinist, Automotive Machinist, Metal Machine Setter, Metal Turner, Milling Machinist, Radial Driller, Vertical Borer] | 60 | TRA |
4126-11 | Metal Polisher | 60 | TRA |
4115-11 | Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer [Instrument Fitter, Camera Repairer, Scalemaker, Scientific Instrument Maker and Repairer] | 60 | TRA |
4122-13 | Pressure Welder | 60 | TRA |
4115-17 | Saw Maker and Repairer [Saw Doctor] | 60 | TRA |
4124-11 | Sheetmetal Worker (First Class) [Metal Spinner, Sheetmetal Patternmaker] | 60 | TRA |
4123-01 | Supervisor, Forging Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4121-01 | Supervisor, General Fabrication Engineering Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4125-01 | Supervisor, Metal Casting Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4126-01 | Supervisor, Metal Finishing Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4112-01 | Supervisor, Metal Fitters and Machinists | 60 | TRA |
4115-01 | Supervisor, Precision Metal Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4124-01 | Supervisor, Sheetmetal Tradespersons [Supervisor, Metal Spinners] | 60 | TRA |
4122-01 | Supervisor, Structural Steel and Welding Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4113-01 | Supervisor, Toolmakers | 60 | TRA |
4112-15 | Textile, Clothing or Footwear Mechanic [Loom Tuner, Sewing Machine Mechanic, Textile Machine Mechanic] | 60 | TRA |
4113-11 | Toolmaker [Tool and Die Maker, Die Caster, Die Sinker, Jigmaker (Metal), Plastic Mould Maker, Press-Tool Maker] | 60 | TRA |
4115-15 | Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer | 60 | TRA |
4122-15 | Welder (First Class) [Special Class Welder] | 60 | TRA |
Automotive |
4212-11 | Automotive Electrician [Automotive Electrical Fitter] | 60 | TRA |
4211-11 | Motor Mechanic [Automatic Transmission Mechanic, Automotive Airconditioning Mechanic, Brake Mechanic, Diesel Motor Mechanic, Motorcycle Mechanic, Outboard Motor Mechanic] | 60 | TRA |
4213-11 | Panel Beater [Vehicle Refinisher] | 60 | TRA |
4212-01 | Supervisor, Automotive Electricians | 60 | TRA |
4211-01 | Supervisor, Motor Mechanics [Supervisor, Vehicle Mechanics] | 60 | TRA |
4213-01 | Supervisor, Panel Beaters [Supervisor, Vehicle Refinishers] | 60 | TRA |
4215-01 | Supervisor, Vehicle Body Makers | 60 | TRA |
4214-01 | Supervisor, Vehicle Painters | 60 | TRA |
4216-01 | Supervisor, Vehicle Trimmers | 60 | TRA |
4215-11 | Vehicle Body Maker [Vehicle Body Builder, Coach Builder] | 60 | TRA |
4214-11 | Vehicle Painter | 60 | TRA |
4216-11 | Vehicle Trimmer [Vehicle Upholsterer] | 60 | TRA |
Electrical, Electronic & Refrigeration |
4315-13 | Business Machine Mechanic | 60 | TRA |
4313-13 | Cable Jointer | 60 | TRA |
4316-13 | Communications Linesperson | 60 | TRA |
4313-11 | Electrical Powerline Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4311-13 | Electrician (Special Class) | 60 | TRA |
4315-11 | Electronic Equipment Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4314-13 | Electronic Instrument tradesperson (Special Class) [Instrument and Controls Tradesperson] | 60 | TRA |
4126-13 | Electroplater | TRA | |
4316-11 | General Communications Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4311-11 | General Electrician [Electrical Fitter, Electrical Mechanic, Electrician, Armature Winder, Electrical Contractor, Heavy Coil Winder] | 60 | TRA |
4314-11 | General Electronic Instrument Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4311-15 | Lift Mechanic [Lift Electrician] | 60 | TRA |
4312-11 | Refrigeration and Airconditioning Mechanic [Refrigeration Fitter] | 60 | TRA |
4316-01 | Supervisor, Communications Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4313-01 | Supervisor, Electrical Distribution Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4311-01 | Supervisor, Electricians [Supervisor, Lift Mechanics] | 60 | TRA |
4315-01 | Supervisor, Electronic and Office Equipment Tradepersons | 60 | TRA |
4314-01 | Supervisor, Electronic Instrument Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4321-01 | Supervisor, Refrigeration and Airconditioning Mechanics | 60 | TRA |
Building & Plumbing |
4414-11 | Bricklayer | 60 | |
4411-13 | Carpenter | 60 | |
4411-11 | Carpenter and Joiner | 60 | TRA |
4431-15 | Drainer | 60 | TRA |
4412-11 | Fibrous Plasterer | 60 | TRA |
4423-11 | Floor Finisher | 60 | TRA |
4431-13 | Gasfitter | 60 | TRA |
4431-11 | General Plumber | 60 | TRA |
4411-15 | Joiner | 60 | TRA |
4431-19 | Mechanical Services and Airconditioning Plumber | 60 | TRA |
4421-11 | Painter and Decorator | 60 | TRA |
4431-17 | Roof Plumber | 60 | TRA |
4413-11 | Roof Slater and Tiler | 60 | TRA |
4422-11 | Signwriter | 60 | TRA |
4415-11 | Solid Plasterer | 60 | |
4416-13 | Stonemason | 60 | TRA |
4414-01 | Supervisor, Bricklayers | 60 | TRA |
4411-01 | Supervisor, Carpentry and Joinery Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4412-01 | Supervisor, Fibrous Plasterers | 60 | TRA |
4423-01 | Supervisor, Floor Finishers | 60 | TRA |
4421-01 | Supervisor, Painters and Decorators | 60 | TRA |
4431-01 | Supervisor, Plumbers | 60 | TRA |
4413-01 | Supervisor, Roof Slaters and Tilers | 60 | TRA |
4422-01 | Supervisor, Signwriters | 60 | TRA |
4415-01 | Supervisor, Solid Plasterers | 60 | TRA |
4416-01 | Supervisor, Wall and Floor Tilers and Stonemasons | 60 | TRA |
4416-11 | Wall and Floor Tiler | 60 | TRA |
Food Preparation |
4512-11 | Baker | 60 | TRA |
4511-11 | Butcher | 60 | TRA |
4519-13 | Buttermaker or Cheesemaker | 60 | TRA |
4519-15 | Confectioner | 60 | TRA |
4513-11 | Cook | 60 | TRA |
4512-13 | Pastrycook | 60 | TRA |
4511-13 | Smallgoods Maker | 60 | TRA |
4512-01 | Supervisor, Bakers and Pastrycooks | 60 | TRA |
4511-01 | Supervisor, Meat Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
Gardening |
4623-11 | General Gardener | 60 | TRA |
4622-11 | Greenkeeper | 60 | TRA |
4623-01 | Head Gardener | 60 | TRA |
4623-13 | Landscape Gardener | 60 | TRA |
4621-11 | Nurseryperson | 60 | TRA |
4623-15 | Tree Surgeon | 60 | TRA |
Printing | |||
4913-11 | Binder and Finisher | 60 | TRA |
4911-11 | Graphic Pre-Press Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4912-11 | Printing Machinist | 60 | TRA |
4914-11 | Screen Printer | 60 | TRA |
4912-13 | Small Offset Printer | 60 | TRA |
Wood Tradespersons |
4922-11 | Cabinetmaker | 60 | TRA |
4929-13 | Furniture Finisher | 60 | TRA |
4929-11 | Picture Framer | 60 | TRA |
4922-01 | Supervisor, Cabinetmakers | 60 | TRA |
4929-79 | Wood Tradespersons (not elsewhere classified) | 60 | TRA |
4921-13 | Wood Turner | 60 | TRA |
Clothing/Textiles |
4941-17 | Apparel Cutter | 60 | TRA |
4944-13 | Canvas Goods Maker | 60 | TRA |
4941-15 | Dressmaker | 60 | TRA |
4942-11 | Furniture Upholsterer | 60 | TRA |
4941-11 | General Clothing Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4944-11 | Leather Goods Maker | 60 | TRA |
4943-13 | Medical Grade Shoemaker | 60 | TRA |
4941-19 | Patternmaker-Grader (Clothing) | 60 | TRA |
4944-15 | Sail Maker | 60 | TRA |
4943-11 | Shoemaker | 60 | TRA |
4941-13 | Tailor | 60 | TRA |
4942-79 | Upholsterers and Bedding Tradespersons (not elsewhere classified) | 60 | TRA |
Other |
4114-15 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) | 60 | TRA |
4114-11 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) | 60 | TRA |
4114-13 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) | 60 | TRA |
4981-13 | Boat Builder and Repairer | 60 | TRA |
4992-17 | Broadcast Transmitter Operator | 60 | TRA |
4999-79 | Diesel Fuel Injection Tehnicians | 60 | TRA |
4982-11 | Flat Glass Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4983-13 | Gem Cutter and Polisher | 60 | TRA |
4111-11 | General Mechanical Engineering Tradesperson | 60 | TRA |
4982-13 | Glass Blower | 60 | TRA |
4931-11 | Hairdresser | 60 | TRA |
4983-11 | Jeweller | 60 | TRA |
4999-11 | Optical Mechanic | 60 | TRA |
4999-17 | Piano Tuner | 60 | TRA |
4981-11 | Shipwright | 60 | TRA |
4114-01 | Supervisor, Aircraft Maintenance Engineers | 60 | TRA |
4111-01 | Supervisor, General Mechanical Engineering Tradespersons | 60 | TRA |
4931-01 | Supervisor, Hairdressers | 60 | TRA |
4999-79 | Trades Person and Related Workers | 60 | TRA |