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Strine: Australian
Slang, what you need
to know but are
afraid to ask...

22 pages full of must
know Australian
slang from 'aggro' to
'zack' and heaps in between.

Tips for Emigrating

surf lifestyle in australia

Considering migrating to Australia? Or in the midst of it? This site provides helpful tips on:

  1. Do you really want to emigrate? Making the right decision for you and your family. More...
  2. Is Australia the best place for you? Choosing a country that suits your lifestyle goals. More...
  3. Applying to migrate - successfully. How to get the visa you want with the minimum of fuss. More...
  4. How to tell friends, family & work you're emigrating. Be prepared, not everyone will be happy for you. More...
  5. Preparing to leave your homeland. Getting the paperwork, shipping & logistics right. More...
Explore Australia 101...