Australia's Tropical Cyclones
- Cyclone season is November to April
- An averagte of 13 cyclones occur in Australia each year.
- That's 16% of the world's cyclones.
- Only half become severe and many never reach land.
- North Western Australia is the most cyclone-prone region in Australa.
- The area between Broome and Exmouth averages 1 severe cyclone per year.
- Perth averages 1 cyclone every 7 years.
- The usual life cycle of a cyclone is 3-7 days.
- Around the world a severe tropical cylone is also known as: hurricane, typhoon or tropical storm.
Cyclone links:
- Checklist for preparing for a cyclone in Australia
- Stormwatchers - childrens game for cyclone arwareness
- Current Tropical Cyclones on the Bureau of Meteorology website