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Strine: Australian
Slang, what you need
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22 pages full of must
know Australian
slang from 'aggro' to
'zack' and heaps in between.

Climate in Queensland

Dubbed ‘The Sunshine State’, Queensland is famous for its golden beaches and warm weather. Yet it’s also home to Australia’s wettest town, Tully, which records an average of 4000mm of rain each year!

In Far North Queensland, Cairns averages a high of 31C and a low of 24C in summer, and a high of 26C and a low of 18C in winter. Further south in the state’s capital, Brisbane, the average summer temperature tops 29C and ‘cools’ down to 21C, while the winter high averages at a balmy 21C and a low of 10C.

Climate details for all of Australia.

Qld climate links:

Explore Australia 101...